Are you feeling as though you are maxed out? Trying to balance school, extra-curricular activities, a job and somewhat of a social life can be difficult. According to the 2015 National College Health Assessment, 85% had felt overwhelmed at some point within the past year. There is no doubt that students are among the busiest people in existence.
When we are pressed for time, we can sometimes find ourselves sacrificing healthy options for convenient ones. Also, when we are stressed, our bodies produce cortisol, which gives us an increased appetite. Now you are stuck studying when all you are thinking about is greasy, cheesy pizza.
Not to mention the caffeine highs and lows are never a fun experience when you are stressed out. After an espresso-filled drink pumps through your blood, you may feel like you can conquer all your tasks; however, the crash that follows will make you feel even more fatigued and unproductive. If only we could hook up to a caffeine IV…
If you have a lot to accomplish, you need to remember to eat foods that will give you a natural boost. Eating a greasy cheeseburger and fries after a long day of studying may not help you finish strong. You will feel even more tired, so are the 20 minutes of pure indulgence worth it?
Don’t get me wrong; I am a sucker when it comes to indulging. I am a firm believer in eating in moderation. I am never one to turn down chocolate or potato chips, but when I am feeling overwhelmed I opt to eat on the healthier side. It helps me stay focused and alert when I am multi tasking. Check out this blog written by Prevention and see what foods you should be eating when you’re stressed out.