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10 Foods That Will Make You Happy Instantly

Ice cream and burgers are foods that make people happy, but what if I told you that healthy foods can actually make you just as happy. The problem we tend to face when wanting to eat healthy or to lose weight is that the food we need to eat is boring and bland. This doesn’t always have to be the case. The strange truth is that some foods are designed to hack our bodies into feeling happy and they aren’t all vegetables. Here are ten foods that you can eat that are delicious, fun, and will actually trick your body into adapting a healthier lifestyle.

1. Salmon

Salmon, and most fish, is a great food source because of the high levels of omega- 3 fatty acids and vitamin B12. Omega- 3 fatty acids can improve your mood and alleviate mild forms of depression, while vitamin B12 can help produce more serotonin in your brain developing stronger feelings of well-being.

2. Spinach

Although spinach is a vegetable, it is actually a great source of folic acid and magnesium. Folic acid, like omega- 3 fatty acids, can alleviate depression and reduce fatigue. Magnesium, like vitamin B12, helps to maintain proper levels of serotonin. Spinach can be matched with salmon and poultry for a very happy dish.

3. Poultry

Chicken and turkey both contain amino acids called tryptophan and tyrosine. Tryptophan helps make serotonin to boost your feeling of well- being. Tyrosine aids your body in coping with stress and can also work as building blocks for norepinephrine and dopamine, which are two neurotransmitters that control your mood. Be careful not to eat large amount of this food because it can result in a sluggish feeling.

4. Milk

Growing up we always knew it was important to get our daily glass of milk, so here is why. Milk contains iodine which is an important vitamin necessary for the thyroid gland to operate. The thyroid gland regulates the entire bodies hormones which has a direct effect on our mood.

5. Brazil Nuts

These nuts have the same benefits as milk and aid in the function of the thyroid gland. Brazil nuts are a particularly good food because they have an almost instantaneous effect and serve as a good energy boosting snack.

6. Chocolate

N- acyclethanoloamine. This is the chemical that we can thank for the happiness that chocolate brings us. Eating chocolate releases endorphins into our body that make us feel happy. The taste was enough for me to feel happy, but there are actual benefits to this food.

7. Chilis

This may sound weird to you, but the spiciness of chilis actually benefits your overall well- being. The chemical capsaicin, when consumed, attach to the pain receptors in the mouth and nose and communicate with your brain to release endorphins. The brain thinks your body is in pain so these endorphins are used to make you happier.

8. Honey

Honey is the best alternative to sugar. It contains kaempferol and quercetin which reduce inflammation in the brain and prevent depression.

9. Coconut

Coconuts contain high levels of triglycerides which promote brain health and good moods. Natural coconut pieces are your best source of this food, not desserts.

10. Pasta

One of our favorite comfort foods is actually a healthy carbohydrate to consume which will help you feel full and satisfied. The protein and amino acids aid your body into elevating your mood.

All of these food tips can help you live a happier and healthier lifestyle. Visit here for information on all of these good mood foods.

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