We know you spend countless hours studying your chemistry and biology and are an expert with the periodic table. However, even you are vulnerable to feeling a little low at times. You have to memorize a lot for those exams, so enhance your mind with natural mood-boosters. And no, we don't mean for you to reach for that bag of Dove Dark Chocolate. Don't overlook the minerals and vitamins you read about in class that can make you feel happy.
Take your knowledge from your science classes and put it to the test. This article written by Maya Dangerfield lists the 10 vitamins, minerals and fatty acids that will give your mood a huge boost. We understand you are good with numbers, so we picked a list that includes the serving sizes to maximize your pep. She even includes good sources of each nutrient.
We know you like math and balancing equations, but don’t forget about your reading skills. Check out this list and see how you can feel your absolute best.