When's the last time you had a good night's rest? For us college students the 24-hour day just doesn't seem to be enough time. We wake up to a blaring alarm, chug coffee in class, spend countless hours in the library, chat with our friends and before we know it it's 11 p.m. Being loyal to our responsibilities is important but, we must also make sure to take care of our bodies.
Believe it or not, enhancing your diet can improve your sleeping habits. Livestrong.com provides a list of 12 foods that can not only contribute to helping you fall asleep but making sure you are getting quality sleep. Don't worry they are not foods from the most remote areas of the world, in fact many of them might already be in your kitchen. Some of the recommended foods mentioned are bananas, cereal, milk, oatmeal, and salmon.
Are you wondering how much sleep you should be getting? The National Sleep Foundation (NSF) recommends between 7-9 hours for individuals between 18-25 years of age. The NSF also provides information about how to improve your sleeping habits and environments in order to ensure you get the best sleep you possibly can.
Keep calm and sleep on!