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Five Detox Smoothies to Relieve College Stress

Stress is something that strikes everyone at one time or another. It probably comes as no surprise that college can be an extremely stressful time in one’s life, and that stress can overwhelm you. According to the American Psychological Association, almost half of college students reported feeling overwhelming anxiety in the past year (Novotney, 2014). That is a frightening statistic.

While there are many courses of action one can take to fight stress and anxiety, one of the easiest routes one can take is to eat right. What you consume has a far greater effect on you than you think. Maintaining a healthy diet is essential to overall wellness.

We found a great list of delicious, detoxing smoothies that fight stress and anxiety. From a Nutty Banana Smoothie to an Avocado Mint Smoothie, this list covers it all. All of these treats include stress-reducing superfoods that will leave you feeling recharged and ready to take on the day.

Check them out here.

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